Understand and Avoid Excessive Time of Use Billing Charges with Solar Energy

New time of use billing is coming to Colorado. The on-peak hours, mid-afternoon to evening will be charged the most expensive rates, between 1.5 to 3 times per kwh.  And the highest of these rates being in the summer.  Now more than ever is a time to consider becoming energy independent to mitigate these changes and keep you money in your pocket book.

Here are the important details of Time of Use Billing

The on peak hours will be up to 27.9 cent per kwh in the summer. Summer also happens to be the most productive time for solar energy. So, folks with solar energy can see not only their power bills decrease but also their return on investment increase with time of use billing.

Contact us today to see if solar is the right fit for your home!

Soco Solar Energy

Colorado is a great place for solar energy, here's why...

Colorado gets on average 300 days of sun every year making it one of the best places for solar energy production therefore also make it one of the most cost-effective states for solar.

The total solar installed in Colorado is 2236 MW as of Q1 2022, which means that is enough solar to power 428899 homes and in other words is 5.38% of the state's electricity.

Solar employs 6771 people in Colorado making it an amazing career choice as well.

Take a look at this graph to see skyrocketing annual solar installations in Colorado:

Are you curious about how solar energy can benefit you? Contact us today for a free, no obligation quote to become energy independent.
